White Rose & Chrysanthemum Tea 美白瘦身茶

Experience the beauty-boosting power of our White Rose & Chrysanthemum Tea. This refreshing blend combines Lotus Leaf, Roselle, Lemon Slices, and Rose to help you achieve radiant skin and a slimmer figure. Enjoy a daily dose of natural whitening and weight loss support, all while nourishing your body with antioxidants and vitamins. Perfect for those looking to enhance their glow without compromise.

SKU: FT20240004
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1 pack x 6 sachets X 8g



  1. Lotus Leaf: The alkaloids in lotus leaf granules effectively prevent fat absorption, fundamentally reduce weight, and more effectively control rebound;
  2. Roselle: Roselle has the effects of beautifying, slimming, lowering blood pressure, relieving hangover, and promoting metabolism;
  3. Lemon Slices: supplement vitamins, whiten skin, lose weight, antibacterial and improve immunity;
  4. Rose: Removes freckles and beautifies, soothes the liver and relieves depression, detoxifies and loses weight.


Suitable for:

Soaking the four materials together can achieve a better whitening and weight loss effect without harming the body.

How to Prepare:

  1. Put a sachet of tea into a cup and add 200-300ml of boiling water.
  2. Steep for 5 minutes and ready to taste. 
  3. Add sugar or honey for a sweet flavor.


Drink with caution during menstruation and pregnant women.


Storage method:
No preservatives are added. If it is not consumed within one month after purchase, it must be stored in the refrigerator.


1包 x 6小袋 x 8克



  1. 荷叶: 荷叶粒中的生物碱有效阻止脂肪的吸收,从根 本上减重,并更有效的控制反弹;
  2. 洛神花: 洛神花有美容,瘦身,降血压,解酒,促进新陈代谢功效;
  3. 柠檬片: 补充维,美白肌肤,减肥,抗菌提高免疫力之功效;
  4. 玫瑰花: 祛斑美容,疏肝解郁,排毒减肥之功效。






  1. 将 “美白瘦身茶” 放入茶杯,加入 200-300 毫升沸水。
  2. 冲泡五分钟即可享用。
  3. 添加冰糖或蜂蜜增添甜味。







1 pek x 6 sachet X 8g




  1. Daun Teratai: Alkaloid dalam butiran daun teratai berkesan menghalang penyerapan lemak, pada asasnya mengurangkan berat badan, dan mengawal lantunan semula dengan lebih berkesan;
  2. Roselle: Roselle mempunyai kesan mencantikkan, melangsingkan badan, menurunkan tekanan darah, melegakan mabuk, dan menggalakkan metabolisme;
  3. Hirisan Lemon: Menambah vitamin, memutihkan kulit, menurunkan berat badan, antibakteria dan meningkatkan imuniti;
  4. Bunga Ros: Menghilangkan jeragat dan mencantikkan, melegakan hati dan melegakan kemurungan, menyahtoksik dan menurunkan berat badan.



Merendam keempat-empat bahan bersama-sama boleh mencapai kesan pemutihan dan penurunan berat badan yang lebih baik tanpa membahayakan badan.

Cara Menyediakan:

  1. Masukkan satu uncang teh ke dalam cawan dan masukkan 200-300ml air mendidih.
  2. Rendam selama 5 minit dan sedia untuk dirasai.
  3. Tambah gula atau madu untuk rasa manis.


Minum dengan berhati-hati semasa haid dan wanita hamil.


Kaedah penyimpanan:
Tiada bahan pengawet ditambah Jika ia tidak dimakan dalam tempoh satu bulan selepas pembelian, ia mesti disimpan di dalam peti sejuk.


Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 20 × 3 × 14 cm


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